The house historian’s summer

While many of you have been on summer holidays to far flung destinations (or in sunny Blighty!) the summer months have been rather busy for me (which explains the time since my last blog post)!

I have been completing a large project on the history of a house in the Cotswolds, which I was delighted to have traced back to Queen Elizabeth I in 1588 (which is currently being designed in preparation for being bound into a book), while also researching the fascinating stories in the history of a house in Soho in London – connected to a group of notorious gangsters during the 1930s and 40s!

Historic house in the Cotswolds
Historic house in the Cotswolds

I have been continuing work on the history of a house in a Hertfordshire, while also working on a new article for the Chelsea Society annual report. During August, I spoke to the Bromley branch of the North West Kent Family History Society about how to research the history of houses, and in October I will be speaking to the Dartford branch on the same subject!

I have also been branching out with a little television work and will soon feature on a programme (coming soon!) talking about the history of household objects and inventions!

Amongst all the reading and writing, I am also working with the Bedford Park Residents Association in Chiswick on an exciting new house history project. Here is the official announcement:

The BPRA commissions house-historian Melanie Backe-Hansen to help Residents discover the hidden stories of Bedford Park”

Bedford Park terraced cottages
Bedford Park terraced cottages

I will be speaking at the official project launch at High Road House in Chiswick on 8 September, which will feature details of a unique online resource for homeowners and researchers. Tickets for the free event can be booked here – Bedford Park House History launch event

To promote the new house history project, I spent a day with the team from The Chiswick Calendar to produce a couple of short films talking about house histories!

‘Discover the history of your house with Melanie Backe-Hansen’

Know the stories of the people who lived in your house before you?  
“Does it change your attitude towards a house to know the stories of the people who have lived there before you? Francis Cherry says it does.”

So, you see, it has been rather a busy summer for the house historian! More updates and stories uncovered researching the history of houses will be on the way soon!

The House Historian blog is back

Hello!! I know it has been a long time in the making, but yes, I’m back. After three years as an independent house historian, I’ve been itching to get back to the blogging. Since February 2012 I have been getting used to being my own boss, but also having the freedom to take on some varied and exciting house history projects.

A large part of my first year as a freelance house historian was taken up with completing my second book – Historic Streets and Squares – but since that time I’ve worked on several projects, including a complete history of a family estate in South Kensington in London, which is soon to be bound into a book, as well as house histories in Berkshire, Hertfordshire, Somerset, Scotland, and several in London.


I have also been regularly contributing to stories about the history of houses in national press and media; taking on speaking engagements; as well as tutoring a house history module for the University of Dundee; and in January 2015 I was accepted into the Royal Historical Society.

While all this continues in the background, I’ve been eager to get back into the blog writing – so here we are! This first post is a little introduction to get my feet wet, but watch this space for more blog posts about my adventures researching the history of houses and streets across the country!

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Mel – The House Historian